
2019, 82 x 56 x 33 inches

Cedar, beeswax, pressure treated pine | Available

Platform (detail)
Platform (detail)


Platform (detail)
Platform (detail)


Evocation Pole, Re-discovering Golden Mountain
Evocation Pole, Re-discovering Golden Mountain

1998, 57 x 137 x 57 inches

Cedar, acrylic, stone plinth, bronze plaque | Permanently installed

Evocation Pole, Re-discovering Golden Mountain (detail)
Evocation Pole, Re-discovering Golden Mountain (detail)
Evocation Pole, Re-discovering Golden Mountain (detail)
Evocation Pole, Re-discovering Golden Mountain (detail)
Untitled (ephemeral solar powered fountain)
Untitled (ephemeral solar powered fountain)

1996, 180 x 127 x 111 inches

Reeds, copper, carved Atlantic cedar trough, wood lath, bark, ceramic, solar panel

Untitled (ephemeral solar powered fountain) [detail]
Untitled (ephemeral solar powered fountain) [detail]


Rock Man
Rock Man

1993, 46 x 85 x 43 inches

Mixed media, public sculpture installation for Ah-Haa School for the Arts | Location unknown

Rock Man (detail)
Rock Man (detail)


face offs (year 29, POV example 1)
face offs (year 29, POV example 1)

1992, varied width x 92 inches x variable depth (adjustable position of figures in space)

Heart pine, bar bells, pine sticker, gesso | Available

face offs (year 29,  POV example 2)
face offs (year 29, POV example 2)
face offs (year 29, POV example 3)
face offs (year 29, POV example 3)
face offs (year 12, detail)
face offs (year 12, detail)

1991, 17 x 121 x 13 inches

Oak, lead, steel, gesso | Available

Walking grounds
Walking grounds

1991, 32 x 38 x 18 inches

Plywood, steel, metal lath, pinion pine, plaster, acrylic | Presumed lost

Walking grounds (alternate view)
Walking grounds (alternate view)

1991, 32 x 38 x 18 inches

Plywood, steel, metal lath, pinion pine, plaster, acrylic | Presumed lost

Branch lines
Branch lines

1991, 32 x 64 x 22 inches

Mixed media | Private collection


1990, 32 x 27 x 3 inches

Plywood, painted plexiglass, cast resin, string, screws, acrylic | Private collection

Bystanders (detail)
Bystanders (detail)



1989, 45 x 34 x 3.5 inches

Wood, string, screws, acrylic | Available

Sounding Out
Sounding Out

1983, 5.5 x 15.5 x 4.5 inches

Mahogany, metal | Available

Sounding Out (reverse)
Sounding Out (reverse)



1983, 7.5 x 38 x 6.5 inches

Carved yew | Private collection

Platform (detail)
Platform (detail)
Evocation Pole, Re-discovering Golden Mountain
Evocation Pole, Re-discovering Golden Mountain (detail)
Evocation Pole, Re-discovering Golden Mountain (detail)
Untitled (ephemeral solar powered fountain)
Untitled (ephemeral solar powered fountain) [detail]
Rock Man
Rock Man (detail)
face offs (year 29, POV example 1)
face offs (year 29,  POV example 2)
face offs (year 29, POV example 3)
face offs (year 12, detail)
Walking grounds
Walking grounds (alternate view)
Branch lines
Bystanders (detail)
Sounding Out
Sounding Out (reverse)

2019, 82 x 56 x 33 inches

Cedar, beeswax, pressure treated pine | Available

Platform (detail)


Platform (detail)


Evocation Pole, Re-discovering Golden Mountain

1998, 57 x 137 x 57 inches

Cedar, acrylic, stone plinth, bronze plaque | Permanently installed

Evocation Pole, Re-discovering Golden Mountain (detail)
Evocation Pole, Re-discovering Golden Mountain (detail)
Untitled (ephemeral solar powered fountain)

1996, 180 x 127 x 111 inches

Reeds, copper, carved Atlantic cedar trough, wood lath, bark, ceramic, solar panel

Untitled (ephemeral solar powered fountain) [detail]


Rock Man

1993, 46 x 85 x 43 inches

Mixed media, public sculpture installation for Ah-Haa School for the Arts | Location unknown

Rock Man (detail)


face offs (year 29, POV example 1)

1992, varied width x 92 inches x variable depth (adjustable position of figures in space)

Heart pine, bar bells, pine sticker, gesso | Available

face offs (year 29, POV example 2)
face offs (year 29, POV example 3)
face offs (year 12, detail)

1991, 17 x 121 x 13 inches

Oak, lead, steel, gesso | Available

Walking grounds

1991, 32 x 38 x 18 inches

Plywood, steel, metal lath, pinion pine, plaster, acrylic | Presumed lost

Walking grounds (alternate view)

1991, 32 x 38 x 18 inches

Plywood, steel, metal lath, pinion pine, plaster, acrylic | Presumed lost

Branch lines

1991, 32 x 64 x 22 inches

Mixed media | Private collection


1990, 32 x 27 x 3 inches

Plywood, painted plexiglass, cast resin, string, screws, acrylic | Private collection

Bystanders (detail)



1989, 45 x 34 x 3.5 inches

Wood, string, screws, acrylic | Available

Sounding Out

1983, 5.5 x 15.5 x 4.5 inches

Mahogany, metal | Available

Sounding Out (reverse)



1983, 7.5 x 38 x 6.5 inches

Carved yew | Private collection

show thumbnails