
2020, 123 x 83 x 6 inches

Mixed media painting on canvas with suspended carved wooden stops | Available

Capsule (detail)
Capsule (detail)
Capsule (detail)
Capsule (detail)

2019, 43 x 93 x 7 inches

Carved wooden stops, acrylic, canvas, string | Available


2017, 144 x 84 x 8 inches

Acrylic on canvas with carved suspended wooden stops | Available

Conversions (on view)
Conversions (on view)
Tilt, panel 3
Tilt, panel 3

2017, 27 x 31 x 2 inches

Wood, canvas, gesso, organics, bentonite, hematite, rust, faux gold leaf | Available | Harvested from installation

Tilt, panel 4
Tilt, panel 4

2017, 28 x 27 x 2 inches

Wood, canvas, gesso, organics, bentonite, hematite, rust, faux gold leaf | Available | Harvested from installation

Pier Glass I
Pier Glass I

2017, 31 x 36.5 x 4 inches

Faux gold leaf, hematite on board | Available | Harvested from installation

Pier Glass II
Pier Glass II

2017, 34.5 x 28.5 x 4 inches

Faux gold leaf, hematite on board | Available | Harvested from installation

Pier Glass, panels I & II
Pier Glass, panels I & II


Faux gold leaf, hematite on board

Flume #1
Flume #1

2016, 34 x 31 inches

Single edition, roman giclee archival print on canvas | Available

Flume #2
Flume #2

2016, 34 x 31 inches

Single edition, roman giclee archival print on canvas | Available

Tangent, SC (from SLUICE)
Tangent, SC (from SLUICE)

2015, 40 x 29 x 2 inches

Pluff mud, organics, hematite, canvas, wood stretcher bars | Private collection | Harvested from installation

Sluice, panel 9
Sluice, panel 9

2015, 39 x 64 x 2 inches

Pluff mud, organics, hematite, canvas, wood stretcher bars | Available | Harvested from installation

Disappearing / appearing
Disappearing / appearing

2015, 14 x 14 inches

Acrylic on board | Private Collection

Sea road (Eilean Flodigarry)
Sea road (Eilean Flodigarry)

2014, 10 x 6 inches

Acrylic on board | Private collection


2012, 16 x 12 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Pathway to Ilium
Pathway to Ilium

2012, 42 x 48 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Road House
Road House

2011, 52 x 36 inches

Hematite, pluff mud on canvas | Location unknown | Harvested from installation

Face to face (diptych)
Face to face (diptych)

2010, 41 x 48 inches

Hematite, pluff mud on canvas (panel 1), roman giclee print on archival paper (panel 2) | Available | Harvested from installation


2008, 22 x 48 x 2 inches

Mixed media on canvas | Available

On the Flats
On the Flats

2008, 40 x 30 inches

Mixed media on canvas | Private collection


2007, 16 x 10 inches

Hematite, pluff mud, organics on canvas | Available | Harvested from installation

Monitors, panel 2
Monitors, panel 2

2007, 32 x 52 x 2 inches

Gesso, organics on window screen fabric | Location unknown | Harvested from installation

Moil, Proximity/Distance
Moil, Proximity/Distance

2006, 52 x 38 x 2.5 inches

Bunker oil, organics, canvas on wood stretcher frame | Available | Harvested from installation

Register, Blue River
Register, Blue River

2005, 31 x 42 x 8 inches.

Store-bought quilt, organics, sticks, string, paper dyed with indigo, wood frame. | Available | Harvested from installation

Thin sieve #1
Thin sieve #1

2005, 5 x 69 inches

Single edition, roman giclee archival print on canvas | Available

Thin sieve #2
Thin sieve #2

2005, 3.5 x 60.5 inches

Single edition, roman giclee archival print on canvas | Available


2005, 38 x 44 inches

Single edition, roman giclee archival print on canvas | Available | Associated installation


2003, 44 x 56 inches

Vine charcoal on canvas | Private collection


2003, 38 x 46 inches

Mixed media on canvas | Private collection

Mud Shroud, year 18
Mud Shroud, year 18

2003, 28 x 71 x 3 inches

In collaboration with Y. Paquette. Spiders, time, red and gray clays, organics on un-stretched canvas | Available | Harvested from installation

Composite, year 19
Composite, year 19

2003, 52 x 36 x 2.75 inches

Organics on wood stretcher frame | Available | Harvested from installation

The Marsh is Art, panels 1-4 (detail)
The Marsh is Art, panels 1-4 (detail)

2002, 102 x 48 x 2 inches

Organics on canvas (4 panels) and 5th panel digital roman giclee print on canvas | Private collection | Harvested from installation

The Marsh is Art, panel 5 (detail)
The Marsh is Art, panel 5 (detail)

2002, 102 x 48 x 2 inches

Organics on canvas (4 panels), and 5th panel digital roman giclee print on canvas | Private collection | Harvested from installation

The Marsh is Art, panel 2 (detail)
The Marsh is Art, panel 2 (detail)

2002, 102 x 48 x 2 inches

Organics on canvas (4 panels), and 5th panel digital roman giclee print on canvas | Private collection | Harvested from installation

Mutation / berth
Mutation / berth

2001, 48 x 48 inches

Oil on canvas | Available


2001, 48 x 48 inches

Oil on canvas, grommets, zip ties, conduit | Private collection | Process


2000 , 48 x 48 inches

Oil on canvas, grommets, zip ties, conduit | Private collection | Process

Haze (Schuylkill River valley from Roxborough rooftop)
Haze (Schuylkill River valley from Roxborough rooftop)

1998, 20 x 16 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Asphalt carpet (SS United States)
Asphalt carpet (SS United States)

1998, 34 x 22 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Ephrata (field moment)
Ephrata (field moment)

1998, 16 x 12 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Gold and Green
Gold and Green

1998, 28 x 22 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Division / entrance
Division / entrance

1998, 14 x 20 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Elizabeth Fry, Courts of Justice, Old Bailey
Elizabeth Fry, Courts of Justice, Old Bailey

1997, 24 x 30 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Walkers (Muir Beach)
Walkers (Muir Beach)

1997, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Rimrocks, Black Hills, WY
Rimrocks, Black Hills, WY

1996, 36 x 24 inches

Oil on canvas | Available


1996, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Available


1996, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Apache memory
Apache memory

1996, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Wily spirit
Wily spirit

1996, 11 x 8 inches

Oil on canvas | Available


1996, 36 x 52 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection


1996, 20 x 28 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Far away
Far away

1996, 36 x 24 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Island on the Schuylkill
Island on the Schuylkill

1996, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

The mere
The mere

1996, 106 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

the bridge is up
the bridge is up

1995, 36 x 24 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Delaware River, Winter
Delaware River, Winter

1995, 32 x 24 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Meeting Point
Meeting Point

1995, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

The Gorge, Llan River, TX
The Gorge, Llan River, TX

1995, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection


1995, 36 x 24 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Touch of farrow
Touch of farrow

1995, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Far Off
Far Off

1994, 24 x 16 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Mesa #3
Mesa #3

1994, 36 x 24 inches

Oil on canvas | Available


1993, 49 x 34 x .5 inches

Oil on canvas, wood | Private collection


1988, 24 x 20 inches

Oil on canvas, wood | Private collection

Capsule (detail)
Capsule (detail)
Conversions (on view)
Tilt, panel 3
Tilt, panel 4
Pier Glass I
Pier Glass II
Pier Glass, panels I & II
Flume #1
Flume #2
Tangent, SC (from SLUICE)
Sluice, panel 9
Disappearing / appearing
Sea road (Eilean Flodigarry)
Pathway to Ilium
Road House
Face to face (diptych)
On the Flats
Monitors, panel 2
Moil, Proximity/Distance
Register, Blue River
Thin sieve #1
Thin sieve #2
Mud Shroud, year 18
Composite, year 19
The Marsh is Art, panels 1-4 (detail)
The Marsh is Art, panel 5 (detail)
The Marsh is Art, panel 2 (detail)
Mutation / berth
Haze (Schuylkill River valley from Roxborough rooftop)
Asphalt carpet (SS United States)
Ephrata (field moment)
Gold and Green
Division / entrance
Elizabeth Fry, Courts of Justice, Old Bailey
Walkers (Muir Beach)
Rimrocks, Black Hills, WY
Apache memory
Wily spirit
Far away
Island on the Schuylkill
The mere
the bridge is up
Delaware River, Winter
Meeting Point
The Gorge, Llan River, TX
Touch of farrow
Far Off
Mesa #3

2020, 123 x 83 x 6 inches

Mixed media painting on canvas with suspended carved wooden stops | Available

Capsule (detail)
Capsule (detail)

2019, 43 x 93 x 7 inches

Carved wooden stops, acrylic, canvas, string | Available


2017, 144 x 84 x 8 inches

Acrylic on canvas with carved suspended wooden stops | Available

Conversions (on view)
Tilt, panel 3

2017, 27 x 31 x 2 inches

Wood, canvas, gesso, organics, bentonite, hematite, rust, faux gold leaf | Available | Harvested from installation

Tilt, panel 4

2017, 28 x 27 x 2 inches

Wood, canvas, gesso, organics, bentonite, hematite, rust, faux gold leaf | Available | Harvested from installation

Pier Glass I

2017, 31 x 36.5 x 4 inches

Faux gold leaf, hematite on board | Available | Harvested from installation

Pier Glass II

2017, 34.5 x 28.5 x 4 inches

Faux gold leaf, hematite on board | Available | Harvested from installation

Pier Glass, panels I & II


Faux gold leaf, hematite on board

Flume #1

2016, 34 x 31 inches

Single edition, roman giclee archival print on canvas | Available

Flume #2

2016, 34 x 31 inches

Single edition, roman giclee archival print on canvas | Available

Tangent, SC (from SLUICE)

2015, 40 x 29 x 2 inches

Pluff mud, organics, hematite, canvas, wood stretcher bars | Private collection | Harvested from installation

Sluice, panel 9

2015, 39 x 64 x 2 inches

Pluff mud, organics, hematite, canvas, wood stretcher bars | Available | Harvested from installation

Disappearing / appearing

2015, 14 x 14 inches

Acrylic on board | Private Collection

Sea road (Eilean Flodigarry)

2014, 10 x 6 inches

Acrylic on board | Private collection


2012, 16 x 12 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Pathway to Ilium

2012, 42 x 48 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Road House

2011, 52 x 36 inches

Hematite, pluff mud on canvas | Location unknown | Harvested from installation

Face to face (diptych)

2010, 41 x 48 inches

Hematite, pluff mud on canvas (panel 1), roman giclee print on archival paper (panel 2) | Available | Harvested from installation


2008, 22 x 48 x 2 inches

Mixed media on canvas | Available

On the Flats

2008, 40 x 30 inches

Mixed media on canvas | Private collection


2007, 16 x 10 inches

Hematite, pluff mud, organics on canvas | Available | Harvested from installation

Monitors, panel 2

2007, 32 x 52 x 2 inches

Gesso, organics on window screen fabric | Location unknown | Harvested from installation

Moil, Proximity/Distance

2006, 52 x 38 x 2.5 inches

Bunker oil, organics, canvas on wood stretcher frame | Available | Harvested from installation

Register, Blue River

2005, 31 x 42 x 8 inches.

Store-bought quilt, organics, sticks, string, paper dyed with indigo, wood frame. | Available | Harvested from installation

Thin sieve #1

2005, 5 x 69 inches

Single edition, roman giclee archival print on canvas | Available

Thin sieve #2

2005, 3.5 x 60.5 inches

Single edition, roman giclee archival print on canvas | Available


2005, 38 x 44 inches

Single edition, roman giclee archival print on canvas | Available | Associated installation


2003, 44 x 56 inches

Vine charcoal on canvas | Private collection


2003, 38 x 46 inches

Mixed media on canvas | Private collection

Mud Shroud, year 18

2003, 28 x 71 x 3 inches

In collaboration with Y. Paquette. Spiders, time, red and gray clays, organics on un-stretched canvas | Available | Harvested from installation

Composite, year 19

2003, 52 x 36 x 2.75 inches

Organics on wood stretcher frame | Available | Harvested from installation

The Marsh is Art, panels 1-4 (detail)

2002, 102 x 48 x 2 inches

Organics on canvas (4 panels) and 5th panel digital roman giclee print on canvas | Private collection | Harvested from installation

The Marsh is Art, panel 5 (detail)

2002, 102 x 48 x 2 inches

Organics on canvas (4 panels), and 5th panel digital roman giclee print on canvas | Private collection | Harvested from installation

The Marsh is Art, panel 2 (detail)

2002, 102 x 48 x 2 inches

Organics on canvas (4 panels), and 5th panel digital roman giclee print on canvas | Private collection | Harvested from installation

Mutation / berth

2001, 48 x 48 inches

Oil on canvas | Available


2001, 48 x 48 inches

Oil on canvas, grommets, zip ties, conduit | Private collection | Process


2000 , 48 x 48 inches

Oil on canvas, grommets, zip ties, conduit | Private collection | Process

Haze (Schuylkill River valley from Roxborough rooftop)

1998, 20 x 16 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Asphalt carpet (SS United States)

1998, 34 x 22 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Ephrata (field moment)

1998, 16 x 12 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Gold and Green

1998, 28 x 22 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Division / entrance

1998, 14 x 20 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Elizabeth Fry, Courts of Justice, Old Bailey

1997, 24 x 30 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Walkers (Muir Beach)

1997, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Rimrocks, Black Hills, WY

1996, 36 x 24 inches

Oil on canvas | Available


1996, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Available


1996, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Apache memory

1996, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Wily spirit

1996, 11 x 8 inches

Oil on canvas | Available


1996, 36 x 52 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection


1996, 20 x 28 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Far away

1996, 36 x 24 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Island on the Schuylkill

1996, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

The mere

1996, 106 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

the bridge is up

1995, 36 x 24 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Delaware River, Winter

1995, 32 x 24 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Meeting Point

1995, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

The Gorge, Llan River, TX

1995, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection


1995, 36 x 24 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Touch of farrow

1995, 52 x 36 inches

Oil on canvas | Private collection

Far Off

1994, 24 x 16 inches

Oil on canvas | Available

Mesa #3

1994, 36 x 24 inches

Oil on canvas | Available


1993, 49 x 34 x .5 inches

Oil on canvas, wood | Private collection


1988, 24 x 20 inches

Oil on canvas, wood | Private collection

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