Spill (day 0)
Spill (day 0)

2006, 10-day installation post-oil spill in the South Branch of the Savannah River, GA

Spill (day 1)
Spill (day 1)

2006, 10-day installation post-oil spill in the South Branch of the Savannah River, GA

Spill (day 6)
Spill (day 6)

2006, 10-day installation post-oil spill in the South Branch of the Savannah River, GA

Spill (day 8)
Spill (day 8)

2006, 10-day installation post-oil spill in the South Branch of the Savannah River, GA

Spill (day 10)
Spill (day 10)

2006, 10-day installation post-oil spill in the South Branch of the Savannah River, GA

Spill (day 0)
Spill (day 1)
Spill (day 6)
Spill (day 8)
Spill (day 10)
Spill (day 0)

2006, 10-day installation post-oil spill in the South Branch of the Savannah River, GA

Spill (day 1)

2006, 10-day installation post-oil spill in the South Branch of the Savannah River, GA

Spill (day 6)

2006, 10-day installation post-oil spill in the South Branch of the Savannah River, GA

Spill (day 8)

2006, 10-day installation post-oil spill in the South Branch of the Savannah River, GA

Spill (day 10)

2006, 10-day installation post-oil spill in the South Branch of the Savannah River, GA

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